MFSA Warning - Money+Card Payment Institution Ltd/ Epayzz - Unlicensed Entity
AUGUST 31, 2021

The Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA” or “the Authority”) has become aware of an entity operating under the name of Money+Card Payment Institution Ltd/ Epayzz (“the Institution”) which has an internet presence at From information available to the MFSA, the Institution claims to be a regulated Financial Institution licensed to undertake payment services under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Cap 367 of the Laws of Malta).

By way of background on the mentioned Institution, on 10 June 2019 the Authority requested the Institution to wind up its business, as well as to appoint a liquidator. Upon appointment of a liquidator, the Authority has on 9 August 2019 withdrawn the licence issued to the Institution in terms of Article 6(1) of the Act. Further information on the Authority’s regulatory action taken against the Institution can be found on the official website of the MFSA at

Further to the above, the MFSA wishes to remind the public that Money+Card Payment Institution Ltd/ Epayzz is NO LONGER  licensed or otherwise authorised by the MFSA to provide any trading activities or other financial services which are required to be licensed or otherwise authorised under Maltese law. The public should therefore refrain from entering into any transactions or otherwise dealing with the above-mentioned company or individual on any matters falling within the parameters of the Financial Institution Act (Chapter 376 of the Laws of Malta).

The MFSA would like to remind consumers of financial services not to enter into any financial services transaction unless they have ascertained that the entity with whom the transaction is being made is authorised to provide such services by the MFSA or another reputable financial services regulator. Investors should also be extra cautious when being approached with offers of financial services via unconventional channels such as telephone calls or social media.

A list of entities licensed by the MFSA can be viewed on the official website of the MFSA at

Verżjoni bil-Malti

L-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (“MFSA” jew “l- Awtorità”) ġiet infurmata b’entità li qed topera bl-isem ta’ Money+Card Payment Institution Ltd/ Epayzz (“l-Istituzzjoni ”) u li għandha preżenza fuq l-internet fis-sit Minn informazzjoni disponibbli għall-MFSA, l-Istituzzjoni tiddikjara li hija Istituzzjoni Finanzjarja regolata liċenzjata biex twettaq servizzi ta’ ħlas taħt it-2 Skeda għall-Att dwar l-Istituzzjonijiet Finanzjarji (Kap 367 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta).

Bħala sfond dwar l-Istituzzjoni msemmija, fl-10 ta’ Ġunju 2019 l-Awtorità talbet lill-Istituzzjoni biex tagħlaq in-negozju tagħha, kif ukoll biex taħtar likwidatur. Mal-ħatra ta’ likwidatur, l-Awtorità, fid-9 ta’ Awwissu 2019 irtirat il-liċenzja maħruġa lill-Istituzzjoni skont l-Artiklu 6 (1) tal-Att. Aktar informazzjoni dwar l-azzjoni regolatorja tal-Awtorità meħuda kontra l-Istituzzjoni tista’ tinstab fuq is-sit uffiċjali tal-MFSA fuq

Barra minn dak li ntqal hawn fuq, l-MFSA tixtieq tfakkar lill-pubbliku li Money+Card Payment Institution Ltd/Epayzz MHIX LIĊENZJATA jew awtorizzata mod ieħor mill-MFSA biex tipprovdi kwalunkwe attività ta' kummerċ jew servizzi finanzjarji oħra li huma meħtieġa li jkunu liċenzjati jew inkella awtorizzati taħt il-Liġi Maltija. Il-pubbliku għandu għalhekk joqgħod lura milli jidħol fi kwalunkwe tranżazzjoni jew jittratta mod ieħor mal-kumpanija jew individwu msemmi hawn fuq dwar kwalunkwe materja li taqa' taħt il-parametri tal-Att dwar l-Istituzzjonijiet Finanzjarji (Kapitolu 376 tal-Liġijiet ta' Malta).

L-MFSA tixtieq tfakkar lill-konsumaturi tas-servizzi finanzjarji biex ma jidħlu f’ ebda transazzjoni ta’ servizzi finanzjarji qabel ma jkunu ċerti li l-entità li magħha qed issir it-transazzjoni hija awtorizzata li tipprovdi dawk is-servizzi mill-MFSA jew minn xi regolatur ieħor tas-servizzi finanzjarji ta’ reputazzjoni tajba. Investituri għandhom ukoll jaġixxu b’kawtela massima meta jsirulhom offerti ta’ servizzi finanzjarji b’metodi mhux konvenzjonali bħal telefonati jew permezz tal-midja soċjali.

Lista ta’ entitajiet liċenzjati mill-MFSA hija disponibbli fuq is-sit uffiċjali tal-MFSA fuq