Innovation Office

Want to discuss your FinTech idea or solution within the context of our regulatory frameworks… or have a query on our tools…

Our dedicated team focusing on technology-enabled financial innovation will guide you accordingly,
from exploring the possible regulatory implications of your idea or solution to identification of the appropriate MFSA tools and process.

MFSA FinTech Regulatory Sandbox

Established in 2020 under Rule 3 of the MFSA Act, the MFSA FinTech Regulatory Sandbox is a valuable tool for established financial services providers, technology providers and new entrants which aims to foster sustainable financial innovation through legal certainty and knowledge sharing.

What is Our Sandbox?

Who is Eligible?

Want to know more or join the the MFSA FinTech Regulatory Sandbox?


Want to discuss your ideas, solutions or challenges within the context of our regulatory landscape?

Workshops provide a space in which specific ideas, solutions and industry-wide challenges may be with discussed with the MFSA and other stakeholders.

Future of Banking and Payments

Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Decentralised Finance (DeFi)

The Metaverse

Artificial Intelligence

Contact Us