Catherine Galea – Head, Banking Supervision
Catherine Galea is the MFSA’s Head of Banking Supervision.
She commenced her career with the Central Bank of Malta in 1990 before joining the MFSA in 2002 in order to pursue her career within Banking Supervision and in 2010 was assigned the responsibility of setting up the banking section within the Authorisations function. Later, Catherine was appointed as Head of Banking Supervision and was also the Malta member within the SSM Supervisory Board. From 2020 till 2023, Catherine was subsequently entrusted with setting up and heading the Supervisory Quality Assurance function within the MFSA.
Throughout her career, Catherine was also responsible for transposing and implementing various pieces of EU legislation in the field of banking supervision and has led various supervisory teams and working groups within the Authority. She actively participates and represents the MFSA in various international fora. Furthermore, she is a frequent lecturer at local educational institutions on various regulatory issues, including the Capital Requirements Regulation/Directive and Risk Management.
Catherine is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (ACIB) and holds an MSc degree in Finance from the University of Leicester (UK).