Tuesday, 25th February 2025

Conference Hall, Level 3 - MFSA Premises

This event has already passed and registrations are closed.


The aim of the workshop is to improve the Listed Entities' transparency with the market, by highlighting select expectations and good practices related to their continuing obligations. The workshop will include presentations on the Capital Markets Rules, Corporate Governance, Enforcement of Financial Information, and Sustainability Reporting. Moreover, the roundtable set-up will provide attendees the opportunity to actively participate in discussions on the matters referred to in the presentations as well as on additional aspects that may be raised during the workshop.

Who Should Attend

  • Company Secretaries of Listed Entities



09:00H Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:30H Opening Statement

Lorraine Vella - Head of Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

09:40H Improving Communication with the Market

Ryan Falzon - Analyst, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

10:10H Improving Corporate Governance

Stephanie Buhagiar Camilleri - Senior Technical Expert, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

10:40H Coffee Break
11:00H Financial Information and APMs

Owen Cauchi - Technical Specialist, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA
Julia Portelli - Analyst, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

11:30H Sustainability Reporting Requirements

Gabriel Aquilina - Manager, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

11:50H Q&A Session
12:05H Concluding Remarks

Lorraine Vella - Head of Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

12:15H Light Lunch


The Authority encourages interested participants to register by filling the form below by not later than Sunday 23 February 2025.

Registration is on a first come, first served basis.

Photos will be taken during the event with the intent to publish such photos on social media channels and websites. By registering, one would be granting consent to such data being used.


Head, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Lorraine Vella

Lorraine Vella was appointed Head of the newly established Capital Markets Supervision function on 1 May 2022. Lorraine, a certified public accountant, joined the MFSA in 2000 and has worked in a number of areas within the organisation, gaining extensive knowledge in regulation, supervision and enforcement in the financial markets sphere. Having more than 15 years of experience in capital markets, throughout her career she was also directly involved in the transposition and implementation of various EU legislation, including the Prospectus Directive, Transparency Directive, Shareholders Rights Directive and Takeover Bids Directive. Lorraine has represented the MFSA within various Committees of the European Supervisory Authorities and is currently actively involved in European Network Groups related to supervision in financial services. She is also an alternate member on the Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority.

Senior Technical Expert, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Stephanie Buhagiar Camilleri

Stephanie Buhagiar Camilleri has joined the MFSA since 2009. She has extensive experience in the field of compliance requirements of investment firms and listed entities. Stephanie is presently employed as a Senior Technical Expert within the Capital Markets Supervision Unit where her primary areas of focus include the continuing obligations of listed entities as well as EMIR. She holds a degree in Accountancy from the University of Malta and is a certified public accountant and auditor by profession. Stephanie is also a fellow member of the Malta Institute of Accountants. In 2011, Stephanie obtained her Masters of Arts in Financial Services from the University of Malta. In 2012, she carried out further specialisation in the field of International Financial Reporting Standards and in 2012, she was awarded the ACCA diploma in International Financial Reporting.

Manager, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Gabriel Aquilina

Gabriel Aquilina is a Manager within the Capital Markets Supervision function at the MFSA. He joined the MFSA in 2019 and specialises in the Continuing Obligations of companies listed on a regulated market, including the listed entities’ compliance with their respective financial and sustainability reporting requirements. Amongst the different committees and working groups in which Gabriel represents the MFSA within the European fora, he is also a member of ESMA’s Sustainability Reporting Working Group. Gabriel holds a Master in Accountancy degree from the University of Malta and is a member of the Malta Institute of Accountants.

Technical Specialist, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Owen Cauchi

Owen Cauchi joined the MFSA in 2024 as a Technical Specialist within the Capital Markets Supervision function. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Accountant, having gained the ACCA Certification in 2021. His primary responsibility at the MFSA is ensuring that listed entities comply with their financial reporting requirements, a role in which he applies extensive expertise gained through both his current position and prior experience in the preparation and audit of financial statements. Owen is also a member of the Malta Institute of Accountants.

Analyst, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Ryan Falzon

Ryan Falzon joined the MFSA in 2023 and works as an Analyst in the Capital Markets Supervision Function. His main responsibility is overseeing the continuing obligations of listed entities, ensuring adherence to financial, sustainability, and capital markets regulations. Ryan obtained a Masters degree in Accountancy from the University of Malta.

Analyst, Capital Markets Supervision, MFSA

Julia Portelli

Julia Portelli is a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor who joined the MFSA in 2024. Leveraging her experience in auditing and financial reporting, she supervises the continuing obligations of listed companies, focusing on compliance with the Capital Markets Rules, accounting standards, transparency, and investor protection through timely disclosures.

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This event has already passed and registrations are closed.