The MFSA (The Authority) wishes to notify that during these past weeks, it has been carrying out the necessary enquiries with MFSP Financial Management Ltd which had acted as intermediary for CECA Invest and taken steps to ensure that both the Authority as well as all Maltese persons who had transferred funds to EURUS Safe Fund Account 2009 1 A/S promoted by CECA Invest, are kept fully and regularly updated with developments relating to the bankruptcy proceedings initiated earlier this year in Denmark against the promoter, Mr. Per Norgaard.
The Authority has exchanged communication with both the Danish Financial Regulator as well as with the official liquidator of the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Norgaard, and is currently in direct contact with the liquidator, also to assist to the extent possible, in the process of identifying and safeguarding all assets pertaining to Mr. Norgaard which include a number of Maltese registered companies.
The Authority shall continue to monitor developments in the best interests of the affected Maltese persons.