The Malta Financial Services Authority is pleased to announce that it has successfully concluded and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Bank of Slovakia. The MoU establishes a framework for assistance, the sharing of supervisory information and cross-border co operation. This MoU expands on the previous MoU signed between the MFSA and the NBS in 2004, which was limited to information sharing in the field of banking supervision. The updated version of the MoU includes provisions on co-operation and information sharing in the fields of insurance supervision and the supervision of securities markets. The agreement was signed by Prof. Joe V. Bannister, Chairman of the MFSA,and Mr Jozef Makuch, Governor of the NBS.
The NBS was established on 1 January 1993 by the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 566/1992 Coll. on the National Bank of Slovakia as the independent central bank of the Slovak Republic. As from January 2009, when Slovakia joined the Euro area, the NBS has also become responsible for financial market supervision, including supervision of banks, branch offices of foreign banks, investment firms, intermediaries of investment services, stock exchanges,
management companies, mutual funds and collective investment undertakings, reinsurance undertakings, pension fund managing companies, pension funds, supplementary pension fund managing companies and other supervised entities of the Slovak financial market.