Sustainable Finance and Its Challenges to be Debated During FSA Webinar
MARCH 24, 2022

The Financial Supervisors Academy (FSA) is holding a webinar on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the first in a string of events launched by the FSA for 2022.

The webinar is taking place on 29 March at 10:00H-14:00H, and will tackle a major trend in finance right now: responsible investment.

The upcoming SFDR webinar will feature MFSA Chief Officer Supervision Christopher Buttigieg and MFSA Deputy Counsel EU and International Affairs Ryan Borg. Dr Buttigieg explains: “In recent years the world has become increasingly aware of the economic impact of climate change and Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance risks. By putting sustainable finance on our agenda, we aim to increase awareness of the topic among the entities we supervise, and to drive policies for the benefit of all stakeholders and society at large.”

The timely topic will also be tackled by Evert van Walsum (European Securities and Markets Authority), Serdak Celik (OECD), Alain Deckers (European Commission) and Martin Moloney (International Organisation of Securities Commissions).

The SFDR webinar will also include a panel discussion debating the best practice in various regulatory jurisdictions and the challenges ahead. Panellist Xavier Sans Sansa, from the Luxembourg supervisor, said: “The Regulation and the much-expected related Regulatory Technical Standards are leading financial market participants and competent authorities into uncharted waters. The FSA webinar is a great opportunity to disentangle the Regulation while exchanging on supervisory practices. We should row together aiming for convergence and avoiding market fragmentation.”

The Academy, which was set up by the MFSA in 2020, has comprehensive plans for 2022 which build on its success last year. In 2021, its eight events hosted 37 speakers from long-standing institutions such as the European Central Bank, the European Commission, the US Department of Homeland Security & Department of Treasury, and the Malta Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit. Topics ranged from cybersecurity supervision to crypto assets regulation.

By providing sectoral insight specific to the financial services industry, the FSA fosters a culture of growth and knowledge sharing. The Academy takes an international approach to its events, with influential market leaders invited to speak, encouraging interactive debate among regulators from different jurisdictions.

Internal training is just as important to the Academy. Through expert training in collaboration with other European supervisory authorities, employees are upskilled and remain up to date with regulatory developments.

To find out more about the Academy’s events, visit:

Deadline for webinar registration is 25 March 09:00H. Book here.