The Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA” or “the Authority”) has become aware of a website which has been branded with the same name and details as those used by a local registered company, but which website is not in fact linked in any way to the licensed entity. The website (the “unauthorised website”) is making unauthorised use of a similar name and reference to the registered office address of a Maltese registered and licensed company, Zenith Finance Limited (C 42720) which has an internet presence at
The unauthorised website claims to be “an asset management firm that is dedicated to continuous financial portfolio growth, offering clients maximum returns on their investments”.
The Authority would like to inform the public that the unauthorised website is NOT linked in any way to any Maltese registered company NOR licensed or otherwise authorised by the MFSA to provide investment services or other financial services in or from Malta which are required to be licensed or otherwise authorised under Maltese law. Additionally, has NO association with Zenith Finance Limited (C 42720) -
The website therefore appears to be a clone of the legitimate entity and the public should therefore refrain from undertaking any business or transactions with the false entity.
Registered Entity | Clone |
Zenith Finance Limited | Zenith Finance Ltd | | |
C 42720 | N/A |
220, Immaculate Conception Street, Msida MSD 1838 Malta |
220, Immaculate Conception Street, Msida MSD 1838 Malta |
Investment services licence (Category 2) in terms of the Investment Services Act | Unlicensed |
The MFSA would like to remind consumers of financial services not to enter into any financial services transaction unless they have ascertained that the entity with whom the transaction is being made is authorised to provide such services by the MFSA or another reputable financial services regulator. A list of entities licensed by the MFSA can be viewed on the official website of the Authority at
For more information on clone companies please refer to the Scam Detection Guidelines issued by the MFSA at If you are a victim of a scam or think you might be dealing with an unauthorised entity or any other type of financial scam, first of all stop all transactions with the company and contact the MFSA at as soon as a suspicion arises.
Verżjoni bil-Malti
L-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (“MFSA”) tixtieq tavża lill-pubbliku dwar sit elettroniku li juża l-istess isem u dettalji bħal dak użat minn kumpanija reġistrata lokali, iżda liema sit elettroniku fil-fatt mhux marbut bl-ebda mod mal-entità liċenzjata. Is-sit eletroniku (is-sit eletroniku li mhux awtorizzat) qed jagħmel użu mhux awtorizzat ta' isem simili u referenza għall-indirizz tal-uffiċċju rreġistrat ta' kumpanija Maltija rreġistrata u liċenzjata, Zenith Finance Limited (C 42720) li għanda preżenza fuq l-internet ta'
L-entità tiddikjara li hija “an asset management firm that is dedicated to continuous financial portfolio growth, offering clients maximum returns on their investments”.
L-Awtorità tixtieq tinforma lill-pubbliku li s-sit eletroniku li mhu\wiex awtorizzat bl-ebda mod mhu marbut ma 'xi kumpanija reġistrata Maltija JEW liċenzjata jew awtorizzata mod ieħor mill-MFSA biex tipprovdi servizzi ta' investiment jew servizzi finanzjarji oħra ġewwa jew minn Malta li huma meħtieġa li jkunu liċenzjati jew awtorizzati taħt il-liġi Maltija. Barra minn hekk, m'għandha l-ebda assoċjazzjoni ma' Zenith Finance Limited (C 42720) -
Is-sit elettroniku jidher li hu clone ta’ sit elettroniku ta’ entità leġittima u għaldaqstant il-pubbliku m’għandhux jidħol f’negozju jew tranżazzjonijiet mal-entità qarrieqa.
Entità Reġistrata | Clone |
Zenith Finance Limited | Zenith Finance Ltd | | |
C 42720 | N/A |
220, Immaculate Conception Street, Msida MSD 1838 Malta |
220, Immaculate Conception Street, Msida MSD 1838 Malta |
Liċenzja ta’ Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kategorija 2) skont it-termini tal-Att dwar Servizzi ta’ Investiment | Mhux Liċenzjata |
L-MFSA tixtieq tfakkar lill-konsumaturi tas-servizzi finanzjarji biex ma jidħlu fl-ebda transazzjoni ta’ servizzi finanzjarji qabel ikunu aċċertaw li l-entità li magħha qed issir it-transazzjoni hija awtorizzata li tipprovdi dawk is-servizzi mill-MFSA jew minn xi regolatur ieħor tas-servizzi finanzjarji ta’ reputazzjoni tajba. Lista ta’ entitajiet liċenzjati mill-MFSA hija disponibbli fuq is-sit uffiċjali tal-MFSA fuq
Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar kumpaniji clone , jekk jogħġbok ara l-iScam Detection Guidelines maħruġa mill-MFSA fuq Jekk inti vittma ta’ xi qerq (scam) jew taħseb li tista’ tkun qed titratta ma’ entita’ li mhix awtorizzata jew xi tip ta’ ingann finanzjarju ieħor, waqqaf kull transazzjoni ma’ din l-entita’ u kkuntattja minnufih lill-MFSA fuq