News Releases

JANUARY 06, 2020
The Malta Financial Services Authority today released its Risk Culture and Risk Appetite Statements as part of its drive to place risk management at the centre of its strategy. These Statements seek to ensure the better identification, evaluation, management, and communication of the Authority’s a ...
DECEMBER 10, 2019
The MFSA has completed a second mystery shopping exercise within a number of branches of the main domestic banks, noting considerable improvements over the previous exercise, while acknowledging the need for further enhancements in the service offered by banks to their customers. This exercise wa ...
DECEMBER 04, 2019
The MFSA has today published its Supervisory Priorities for 2020, laying out detailed key areas where the Authority will be focusing its supervisory efforts for the year ahead, based on the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan 2019-2021. The key areas of activity will range from governance and c ...
NOVEMBER 06, 2019
The Malta Financial Services Authority has laid down its supervisory expectations for licensed entities, supported by a number of best practices which these entities are expected to adhere to. Through the publication of a document entitled “Supervision: Risks Identified, Weaknesses and Expected ...
NOVEMBER 01, 2019
The MFSA has received Letters of Intent from 34 prospective VFA Service Providers, 21 of which pertain to crypto-asset exchanges. These were operating under the transitory provisions set out in Article 62 of the Virtual Financial Assets Act.  After the expiry of this Transitory Period, which ended ...
OCTOBER 03, 2019
The Malta Financial Services Authority is showcasing how it is gearing up for the next generation of financial services during its participation in this year’s edition of the DELTA Summit, being held between 2nd and 4th October. At the Summit, the MFSA is sharing its proposal for the Regulatory ...
OCTOBER 01, 2019
Over the past two days, Mr Andrea Enria was in Malta for his first visit as the new Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) at the European Central Bank. This visit forms part of an annual programme of visits organised by the European Central Bank to eurozone-based ...
SEPTEMBER 25, 2019
The U.S. Embassy partnered with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to host the second iteration of the Financial Integrity Forum. The Forum brought together major financial institutions, private sector leaders, and key government financial regulators to discuss public-private information ...
SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
The Malta Financial Services Authority has taken note of the judicial letter filed by one of the Governors of the Authority.   The Authority does not consider it appropriate to comment publicly on the ongoing matters referred to by the said Governor. However, the Authority wishes to make ...
SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
Most of the Moneyval report recommendations already implemented or work in progress. Aware of the increased sophistication of money laundering, the MFSA has in the past months invested significantly in enhancing its capacity in anti-money laundering standards, resources and procedures, drawing on e ...