Career Spotlight – Sheryl Agius, Senior Analyst, Conduct Supervision
SEPTEMBER 02, 2022

Sheryl Agius, Senior Analyst, Conduct Supervision, MFSA

Sheryl joined the MFSA back in 2016 as an Analyst within Conduct Supervision, forming part of the team responsible for the supervision of trustees and CSPs. Since then, she has moved up to a Senior Analyst within the same team.

During our brief chat with her, we spoke about the best thing about working at the MFSA, as well as the support she has received to develop her career.


What is the best thing about working at the MFSA?

If I had to choose just one thing, it would have to be the opportunity to put forward my ideas in different supervisory projects. Knowing that I have a say in such integral supervisory matters is definitely rewarding.


How has the MFSA supported your career development?

I have benefited from the MFSA’s self-development scheme and, in fact, I have just obtained my Master of Laws (LL.M) specialising in corporate and commercial law from the University of London. Given that I have a legal background, this degree has helped me broaden and diversify my legal knowledge. Furthermore, all throughout my studies I have received constant cooperation, support and encouragement from my superiors, for which I am truly grateful.


What is the best piece of advice that you have received and that has helped you in your career?

Focus on the things you can control!