Directive to Novium Opportunity Umbrella SICAV plc
NOVEMBER 28, 2017

On 28 November 2017, the Malta Financial Services Authority issued a directive to Novium Opportunity Umbrella SICAV plc (“NOUS”), a company licensed as a collective investment scheme targeting professional investors, whereby the Directors of NOUS were directed to:

(a) refrain from making any further use of any of the services offered to NOUS, either directly or through sub-delegation, by its Investment Manager, Novium AG Investment Solutions. Novium AG Investment Solutions is an Investment Manager domiciled in Switzerland, which is supervised by the Swiss selfregulatory organisation Verein zur Qualitätssicherung;

(b) at all times, have two Directors, acting jointly and on behalf of NOUS, as signatories in relation to NOUS’ bank accounts;

(c) take all the necessary steps for the dissolution and consequential winding up of NOUS in accordance with all applicable provisions at law, including the appointment of a liquidator; and

(d) until such time as a liquidator is appointed, they have to take charge of the safekeeping and management of NOUS’ assets.

The MFSA has taken this decision in terms of the powers granted to it under Article 15 of the Investment Services Act.

This notice is being published in terms of the powers vested in the MFSA under Article 16(8) of the Malta Financial Services Authority Act.

This directive may be appealed before the Financial Services Tribunal within thirty (30) days from the date of notification of the directive.

MFSA Ref: 101-2017