This notice is to make the general public aware that Friends Provident International Global Investment Portfolio (‘the Scheme’) has requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender ofthe Collective Investment Scheme Licences issued in respect of its sub-funds. The MFSA has accepted the Scheme’s request. The surrender is entirely voluntary and does not arise as a result of any regulatory action taken by the MFSA. Accordingly, with effect from 14th December 2004, the Scheme and its sub-funds ceased to be licensed by the MFSA.
Maltese version
Il-pubbliku huwa mgarraf bi-essjoni tal-licenzja tal-Friends Provident International Global Investment Portfolio (‘l-Iskema’) u tas-sottofondi tagha, fuq talba magmula mill-Iskema lill-Awtorita’ Maltija gas Servizzi Finanzjarji (“MFSA”).
I-essjoni, effettiva mil-14 ta’ Diembru 2004, hija voluntarja u mijiex riultat ta’ xi azzjoni regulatorja minn naa ta’ l-MFSA. Galdaqstant, l Iskema u s-sottofondi tagha m’humiex ser jibqgu licenzjati mill-MFSA mid-data ndikata.