In the fulfilment of its responsibilities at law, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) has the task of ensuring compliance with financial services laws and regulations. Whenever the MFSA becomes aware of circumstances that, in its opinion, constitute breaches of the law or of licence conditions, it invariably takes the action it considers appropriate. Such action may involve the imposition of a fine on a person, including a licence holder.
MFSA informs the public of all breaches of financial services laws and regulations which have given rise to the imposition of a fine or any other administrative measure, by posting a notice on its website, giving the name of the person and the sanction imposed by the Authority. The publication of this information shall take place only after the exhaustion of all possible appeals at law from the decision of the Authority. MFSA seeks to ensure high standards of conduct and management throughout the financial system. The Authority believes that the naming of persons, including licence holders, that have been sanctioned for breaching provisions of law, will lead to a greater awareness of the standards which should guide the activities and the conduct of operators in financial services.