Public Notice – Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services
APRIL 17, 2017

The Authority would like to inform all stakeholders that following the enactment of the Arbiter for Financial Services Act, the role of the Consumer Complaint Manager has now been phased out and consumer complaints in relation to institutions licensed by the Authority may be lodged by residents and non-residents before the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services. The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services is an autonomous and independent body set up in terms of Act XVI of 2016 of the Laws of Malta. It has the power to mediate, investigate and adjudicate complaints filed by customers against financial services providers. In the event of a complaint against a licence holder and an unsatisfactory outcome, complainants may contact the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services on 80072366 or 21249245.

MFSA Ref: 46-2017