Public Notice: Update on Satabank – Corporate Hardship Fund
NOVEMBER 23, 2018

Following the MFSA’s announcement regarding the release of personal deposits, a
hardship fund for Corporate clients of Satabank has been established. The Fund will be
managed by Malta Enterprise.

The Hardship Fund will provide a bridge loan to assist affected companies. The fund
will effect and process payments to cover verifiable salary bills. Other critical operating
expenses may be considered on a case by case basis.

The Hardship Fund will be made available as of Monday 26th November 2018 to
Corporate clients of Satabank with employees resident in Malta, and which have:

  • Paid operating expenses through their Satabank account on previous occasions;
  • Sufficient funds with Satabank to cover the requested bridge loan; and.
  • A substantive nexus to the Maltese economy.

An FAQ and Application Form may be accessed through this link. For further
information on this Fund, corporate clients are to establish contact with Malta

MFSA Ref: 104-2018