English version
“This notice is to make the general public aware that the UBS (Lux) Bond Funds, UBS (Lux) Equity Funds and the UBS (Lux) Strategy Funds (“the Schemes”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the Collective Investment Scheme Licences granted under the Investment Services Act, 1994 in relation to a number of sub-funds within the Schemes.
The MFSA has accepted the Schemes’ request. The surrender is entirely voluntary and does not arise as a result of any regulatory action taken by the MFSA. Accordingly, with effect from 5th March 2004, a number of sub-funds within the Schemes ceased to be licensed by the MFSA. Further details of the sub-funds whose licence has been surrendered may be obtained from the MFSA on telephone number 2548 5271, fax 2144 9308 or e-mail [email protected]”
Maltese version
“Il-pubbliku huwa mgharraf bic-cessjoni tal-licenzja ta’ numri ta’ sottofondi tal-UBS (Lux) Bond Funds, UBS (Lux) Equity Funds u tal-UBS (Lux) Strategy Funds (“lIskemi”), fuq talba maghmula mid-Diretturi ta’ l Iskemi lill-Awtorita’ Maltija ghasServizzi Finanzjarji (“MFSA”).
Ic-cessjoni, effettiva mil-5 ta’ Marzu 2004, hija voluntarja u mhijiex rizultat ta’ xi azzjoni regulatorja minn naha ta’ l-MFSA. Ghaldaqstant, numru ta’ sottofondi ta’ lIskemi m’humiex ser jibqghu licenzjati mill-MFSA mid-data indikata. Izjed dettalji fuq ic-cessjoni tal-licenzja ta’ sottofondi jistghu jinkisbu mill-MFSA fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2548 5271, fax 2144 9308 jew e-mail [email protected]”