Getting your home and planning your marriage are two important steps in your life which may have a number of financial implications. Such steps should not be taken lightly as every decision will affect you and your partner. Being well informed is of utmost importance. If you are getting a loan to purchase your property we suggest you check our article on home loans as well as a similar article specifically for young couples. It is important to check what type of loan packages banks are offering and the basis on which they are prepared to lend you.
Keep in mind that a bank would not normally loan you the full amount of the purchase price of your house, a small amount (usually a percentage of the total amount) would need to be paid by you. Remember that when purchasing your home and planning to get married, substantial funds would be needed in a relatively short period of time thus budgeting is a critical issue!
With regards to the wedding ceremony, reception and honeymoon, don’t be carried away with the enthusiasm! If you can afford a lavish wedding, consider yourself lucky! If not, don’t overspend! Many couples end up spending a lot on a wedding and already in (huge) debt at the time they are cutting the nuptial cake.
Controlling expenses early is key, because as you start to spend more it becomes harder for you to keep perspective on how much is being spent. The more you have already dished out, the smaller each new expense will seem in comparison. Some early decisions that can make a big difference include:
- Guest list: Each additional guest bumps up the price of the wedding by an increment. Pay close attention to your list, and you could save a bundle by keeping the list down as much as possible.
- Food and drink: check all the available options and make sure there are not hidden costs involved such as overtime after a certain time or additional costs for some particular food or drink.
- Date and venue: During off-season, wedding venues and service providers such as videographers and food suppliers may offer discounts. On the other hand prices would be higher during the peak spring and summer seasons. Consider your date and venue well prior to booking. Also booking in advance or doing fairs may keep costs down. Make sure however you do not take any rushed decisions.
- Honeymoon: A honeymoon after a wedding is traditional; however one does not need to overspend to have a holiday of a lifetime. Planning your wedding according to the honeymoon may be ideal to save money. Also check on exchange rates if you are going outside Euro Area countries. Booking from a local agency may save you money on exchange rates. Also make sure you get the appropriate insurance for your trip especially if you plan to spend some time outside the EU.
You might have come across adverts in the local media selling wedding insurance. This is an insurance policy which may cover you for a number of situations you might encounter on this special day. As with any insurance policy, this policy does not cover all eventualities which might occur. However, you might find it worth acquiring it if you feel it might assist you cope with the aftermath especially if high costs are involved. And, as with any insurance policy, don’t commit money for premium unless you have informed yourself about the characteristics and exclusions of the policy.