Financial advertising and promotions should be fair, clear and not misleading.
When advertising their products, financial services providers should clearly explain what the product or service is, how it works and how you could benefit from it. They must also be clear about the costs involved and whether there are any risks to your money.
Financial adverts and promotions can be misleading for many reasons, but there are some questions you can consider to help you spot misleading financial adverts, such as:
- Do I understand what is the product or service being presented?
- Does the promotion make it clear who I am are dealing with and/or who will be providing the product/service?
- Do I have to pay any fee for that product or service or related to that?
- Are the interest rates or returns realistic?
- What are the risks for my money and is this clear?
- How long do I have to commit for?
- Are there any penalties if I want to move my money?
- Is the product guaranteed?
If you consider that an advert/financial promotion is misleading or not clear you can contact the MFSA here.